Privacy Policy

Additional Information About Our Data Protection Policy

Who is Responsible for processing your data?

– Identity: Inversiones Gamonal 2021 S.L – Document number: B42747386 – Postal address: Av. Lorenzo Morito Romero, s/n, 29670 Marbella, Málaga – Telephone: +34 638 05 81 36 – Email:

For what purpose do we process your personal data?

– To comply with the duty of information and/or obtaining consents required by the new European personal data protection regulations or any other legally established obligation. – To manage inquiries, requests for information, quotes, and applications, providing responses and answers to them. – To manage the provision of services, orders, or products related to our business and economic activity. – If you submit your resume or apply for the different job offers we may publish, we will process your data to evaluate and manage your job application and, if applicable, to carry out the necessary actions for the selection and hiring of staff to offer positions that match your profile. Unless otherwise indicated, the provision of the required data is necessary, so the failure to provide it will prevent the continuation of the selection process. – Only if you have expressly consented beforehand, we will also process your data for sending commercial communications about our products or services, unless you express your opposition by any means. In any case, the authorization to process your data for this purpose is voluntary, and your refusal would only result in not receiving commercial offers for our products or services.

How long will we process your data?

The personal data you provide will be retained as long as the current contractual/commercial relationship is maintained or for four years from the last business relationship following tax regulations. However, only if you have given us consent for commercial communications, our entity will continue to retain your information to send you such commercial communications that we consider to be of interest, until the data subject requests its deletion. Subsequently, the data will be deleted according to the data protection regulations, which implies blocking the data, making them available only upon request by Judges and Courts, the Public Prosecutor, or the competent Public Administrations during the prescription period of the actions that could arise, and after this period, their complete elimination. You can always exercise the rights recognized by the current legislation by contacting us through the means that are most convenient for you.

Why do we process your data?

The legal basis for processing your personal data may vary depending on the purposes mentioned above, including:

  1. The application of pre-contractual measures or the contractual relationship itself for providing the requested service based on the execution of the necessary service contract for the business operation.
  2. Your express consent as the primary and main data subject, for example, for possible commercial communications or for collecting and processing resumes in possible selection processes of the entity.
  3. The entity’s legitimate interest in responding to information requests, customer loyalty, resolving inquiries, and improving the quality of our products and services to provide you with more personalized service.

To whom will your data be communicated?

As a general rule, your data will not be communicated to any third party, except for current legal obligations. In any case, if this possibility changes, you will be duly informed, requesting your consent for such transfer. We inform you that no international transfers will be made. However, we inform you that to correctly provide services (e.g., web hosting, support, email marketing, etc.), various service providers contracted by our entity (data processors) may have access to the necessary personal information to perform their functions and with the sole purpose of ensuring the proper development of the contractual and/or commercial relationship and fulfilling the entity’s legal obligations. These third-party services are necessary for the development of our activity, and the data processing they carry out is governed by a contract that binds the processor to our entity. They will never use the information for other purposes and will process it in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by our entity, in accordance with its privacy policy and the current data protection regulations. Our entity, in its commitment to the User’s privacy and data protection, will only select service providers that offer sufficient guarantees to apply appropriate technical and organizational measures, ensuring that the processing complies with applicable data protection legislation and guarantees the protection of the User’s rights.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether we are processing personal data concerning them. In this regard, you have the right to request:

  • Access: The data subject has the right to obtain from the data controller confirmation of whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed, as well as detailed information about certain aspects of the processing being carried out.
  • Rectification: The data subject has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning them or to have incomplete data completed.
  • Deletion: The data subject has the right to request the deletion of their personal data, but the deletion will be subject to the limits established by the regulatory standard.
  • Restriction of processing: The data subject has the right to request the restriction of the processing of their personal data.
  • Objection to processing: In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. The entity will stop processing the data unless there are legitimate, compelling reasons or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Right to data portability: This means you have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you, that you have provided to a data controller, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit it to another data controller.

You can exercise the aforementioned rights by contacting the data controller. To do so, you can use the contact details provided at the beginning of this document. If you want additional information about exercising your rights, you can also contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency. We also inform you that if you deem it appropriate, you have the right to withdraw, at any time, the consent granted for a specific purpose, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. If you believe that your rights have not been adequately addressed, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid.

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